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据世界海事新闻报道,由于涉嫌参与巴西国家石油公司Petrobras石油和石油产品运输业务贿赂丑闻,巴西航运主管部门将全球航运巨头丹麦AP Moller Maersk列入正在接受巴西当局调查的公司之一。这项调查是在代号洗车(Lava Jato)行动下进行的,该行动发现了巴西近期历史上涉及国有石油公司Petrobras的最大的腐败案件之一。

正筹备“2020年第11届绿色航运技术上海国际峰会” 和“第四届2020国际船用洗涤塔和压载水系统产业上海峰会‘’将于2020年6月17日-18日在上海市举办的国际船舶海工网了解到。

联邦检察官周三表示,Petrobras正在调查船东马士基,Tide Maritime和Ferchem,他们是该公司的中介,与他们的租船合同中的腐败计划有潜在联系,价值超过50亿巴西雷亚尔(12亿美元) 。租船涉及石油和石油产品的运输。



根据联邦检察官的数据,2005年至2018年期间,Tide Maritime参与了与该州签署的87项海事租船合同,总金额约为28亿雷亚尔。Ferchem与Petrobras签订了至少114份海洋租赁合同,在2005年至2015年期间,合同总额超过27亿巴西雷亚尔。


马士基不是第一个受到巴西国家石油公司贿赂计划调查的船东。先前的洗钱和租赁腐败调查分别名为Athenian Sea Carers,Tsakos Energy Navigation,Dorian(Hellas)和Aegean Shipping Management,涉嫌涉嫌与巴西国家石油巨头进行船舶租赁计划中的贿赂。

随着全球日益严苛的绿色环保要求和国际航运新技术的新发展、新思维、新应用,航运、造船、海事、配套和服务等领域正在引发起新的冲击、机会和挑战。为响应国内外众多船东、船管、船厂、供应商、投资机构、制造厂、配套厂、设计公司、服务公司等单位的交流、探讨和分享要求,“2020年第11届绿色航运技术上海国际峰会” 和“第四届2020国际船用洗涤塔和压载水系统产业上海峰会‘’将于2020年6月17日-18日在上海市举办。届时将有超过400多位来自中国、英国、美国、加拿大、德国、丹麦、挪威、瑞典、日本、法国、荷兰、比利时、芬兰、新加坡、马来西亚、韩国等国的船东、船厂、洗涤塔厂商、压载水厂商、配套厂家、设计和投资单位等参加,汇聚上海,交流、探讨和分享船舶洗涤塔、绿色技术、压载水系统、LNG装备、低硫油。智能装备和其他新技术产品应用的市场机会现状和趋势等。咨询邮件:chinabobli@126.com 或china@ishipoffshore.com


Maersk Targeted in Petrobras Bribery Investigation

Danish shipping major A.P.Moller Maersk has been named among companies being investigated by Brasilian authorities over suspected involvement in the Petrobras bribery scandal.

The investigation is being conducted under the Car Wash (Lava Jato) operation, which uncovered one of the biggest corruption cases in the recent history of Brazil involving its state oil company Petrobras.

Federal prosecutors said on Wednesday that shipowner Maersk, Tide Maritime, and Ferchem, who acted as shipbokers for the company, were being probed over potential links to corruption schemes in ship chartering contracts by Petrobras, worth over 5 billion Brazilian reais (USD 1.2 billion). The charters involved the transportation of oil and oil products.

Under the investigation, Brazilian authorities want to determine whether insider information provided the companies in question competitive advantage in return for bribe payments to Petrobras employees.

Between 2002 and 2012, Maersk and its subsidiaries entered into 69 charter contracts with Petrobras, in the approximate amount of BRL 968 million.

According to the data from the federal prosecutors, Tide Maritime was involved in 87 maritime charter contracts signed with the state, between 2005 and 2018, totaling in about BRL 2.8 billion. Ferchem brokered at least 114 marine charter contracts with Petrobras, totaling in more than BRL 2.7 billion between 2005 and 2015.

The investigations are targeting at least 15 maritime charter contracts that were in force between 2006 and 2014 totaling BRL 658 million, amid suspicion that they were a result of bribery schemes.

As informed, 12 search warrants have been issued as part of the investigation.

Maersk is not the first shipowner to be subjected to an investigation of the Petrobras bribery schemes.

Previous money laundering and charter corruption probes named Athenian Sea Carriers, Tsakos Energy Navigation, Dorian (Hellas) and Aegean Shipping Management as suspects of bribery in ship chartering schemes involving Brazilian state oil giant.

Source: World Maritime News


Email: chinabobli@126.com or china@ishipoffshore.com Tel电话: +86-21-54362186/ Fax传真:+86-21-64041979

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