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首席科学家Elizabeth Lindstad博士在挪威SINTEF发表的一项研究中总结说,继续使用重质燃油和废气净化系统(EGCS)洗涤塔是实现全球温室气体(GHG)排放目标的最有利于环境的手段。


“研究表明,具有废气再循环(EGR)和洗涤塔的二冲程发动机代表了满足IMO Tier 3 NOx规则和2020年硫含量的最具成本效益和GHG效率的方式,” Lindstad博士说。


“随着新的现代化炼油厂将原油转化为价格较高的产品,从2020年开始,HSFO将从现有的炼油厂交付,其能源消耗份额可以被认为是几乎没有。解释是从炼油厂出来的重质燃料油是桶的底部。如果我们承认提供HSFO的能耗较低并扣除炼油,我们得到HFO每MJ可获得9至10g二氧化碳当量,而不是LSFO / MGO每MJ可获得13至15当量二氧化碳当量。


“为了实现气候目标,即减少全球温室气体排放,我们再也不能在没有当地污染问题的地区制定严格的标准,而高污染地区可能需要比现在更严格的规则,”博士林斯塔德告诉清洁航运联盟2020(CSA 2020)。

CSA 2020执行董事Ian Adams指出,该行业长期以来意识到燃料生产中存在能量损失差异。








更大规模、更高规格的正在积极筹备2019第三届船用洗涤塔和压载水系统上海峰会””和同期的“第六届2019年船舶新技术与投资上海国际峰会”,定于2019年12月1-2日将在上海市中心继续举办 。预计将有超过300多位来自来自中国、英国、美国、加拿大、德国、丹麦、挪威、瑞典、日本、法国、荷兰、比利时、芬兰、新加坡、马来西亚、韩国等国的船东、船厂、洗涤塔厂商、压载水厂商、配套厂家、设计和投资单位等报名参加,将汇聚上海,在12月3-6日的上海国际海事展前2天,交流、探讨和分享全球限硫令下船舶脱硫洗涤塔和压载水系统等的机会、挑战、合作等。

报名邮件: chinabobli@126.com

或者 china@ishipoffshore.com

Norway: New Study Confirms Scrubbers Would Aid Global CO2 Reduction

Using scrubbers while burning residual fuels would help reduce global CO2 levels, a new study published by Norwegian researchers confirmed.

The continued use of heavy fuel oil with an exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS) is the most environmentally beneficial means of meeting global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets, Chief Scientist Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad concluded in a study published by Norway’s SINTEF.

“Studies indicate that two-stroke engines with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and scrubbers represent the most cost- and GHG-effective way of meeting both IMO Tier 3 NOx rules and the 2020 sulphur cap,” Dr. Lindstad said.

Dr. Lindstad stated that based on the energy consumed during the global production of distillate fuels, the continued use of residual fuel will have a positive impact on global GHG emissions, given the energy required to produce distillates would result in higher levels of CO2 being released into the atmosphere.

“With new modern refineries set up to convert crude into higher priced products, HSFO will, from 2020, be delivered from existing refineries where its share of energy consumption can be considered to be next to nothing. The explanation is that the heavy bunker oil coming out from the refinery is the bottom of the barrel. If we acknowledge the lower energy consumption in delivering HSFO and deduct the refining we get 9 to 10g of CO2 equivalent per MJ for HFO, rather than 13 to 15 of CO2 equivalent per MJ for LSFO/MGO.”

Dr. Lindstad also believes that emissions abatement rules need to be reviewed to consider pollution problems in different areas.

“To meet climate targets, i.e. reduce global GHG emissions, we can no longer afford to have standards that are strict in areas where we do not have local pollution problems, while areas with high pollution may need even stricter rules than today,” Dr. Lindstad told the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (CSA 2020).

Ian Adams, CSA 2020 Executive Director, noted that the industry has long realized that there was an energy penalty differential in the production of fuels.

“Using higher sulphur fuels with an exhaust gas cleaning system will have a beneficial impact on the global reduction of sulphur and nitrogen oxides emissions, and also on GHG emissions,” Adams concluded.

Source: World Maritime News


Email: chinabobli@126.com or china@ishipoffshore.com Tel电话: +86-21-54362186/ Fax传真:+86-21-64041979

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