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Seatrade Cruise Congress returns to China
Seatrade returns to China with Seatrade Asia Pacific Cruise Congress

Fort Lauderdale (17 March 2016) – It was announced yesterday at Seatrade Cruise Global in Fort Lauderdale that Seatrade will be returning to China with the Seatrade Asia Pacific Cruise Congress, which will take place in Baoshan District, Shanghai, from 11-13 October, 2016.

Predictions suggest that China will be the largest market in the region with 4.5 million cruise passengers by 2020, and that China alone is forecasting over 1.3 million cruise passengers to sail on 15 cruise vessels homeporting there this year. With this in mind, Seatrade Asia Pacific Cruise Congress will bring together top executives from the major cruise line brands, as well as government officials and other key cruise industry stakeholders to take part in high-level conference sessions focussing on China’s impact on the regional and global cruise markets now and in the future.

Andrew Williams, General Manager at Seatrade, was delighted to announce the event. ‘Seatrade has a long history of success in China, and figures for the region (as discussed during the State of the Global Cruise Industry session here at Seatrade Cruise Global) show progressive growth year on year, so it is an exciting time for the cruise industry. As part of that development, we are pleased to confirm that Seatrade is returning to China with the Seatrade Asia Pacific Cruise Congress this October and we are delighted to have Dr. Wang Hong, Party Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Baoshan District with us here today for the announcement.’

‘I am very happy that with the support of Seatrade, Adam Goldstein (global CLIA chairman and president & COO of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd) and CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) we are able to bring the event to Shanghai. It is a strategic move and we believe in trend with more of the larger ships coming to the region. We would like to thank Seatrade for bringing the event to Baoshan and for making it possible.’ Said Dr. Wang Hong.

CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) are also fully supportive of the event. ‘We are excited to partner with Seatrade and the Baoshan Authorities to deliver an informative and engaging event in China later this year,’ said Cindy D'Aoust, president & ceo, CLIA. ‘In a thriving industry that is constantly growing and evolving, it is important for industry leaders and organizations to partner with one another to promote the continuous development of our community’.

Additionally, at the launch, the Shanghai International Cruise Business Institute presented their Green Book on the development of the Cruise business in China, with Professor Shoe Jhanyong, president of Shanghai University of Engineering Science and vice director of Shanghai International Cruise Institute in attendance to launch the book.

Seatrade has had a great presence with a series of successful events in the region, keeping the industry up to date with the world’s largest emerging market. With over 30 years’ experience in cruise industry events and a long history of success in China and Asia, Seatrade is a leader in the field.

With a team of experts, in-depth knowledge of the cruise industry in China, exceptional relationships with the cruise lines and an exclusive partnership with CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association), Seatrade promises to bring you an extremely successful event for their return to China.

Email: chinabobli@126.com or china@ishipoffshore.com Tel电话: +86-21-54362186/ Fax传真:+86-21-64041979

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